HAPPY FATHER'S DAY: A Message from the Heart

Happy Father's Day to all fathers and those stepping in as father figures 🙌🏾

Our leadership team has this message for you 👇🏽

ED’s speech on Father’s Day!

To all the father figures out there who are invested in the lives of children and youth whose identities are pushed to the margins,

I want you to know you are powerful, resilient, and deeply valued. Your role in the lives of our children, youth and loved ones is immeasurable and essential. Your presence, guidance, and love make a lasting impact that shapes the future generation.

In a world that may sometimes attempt to diminish your worth or challenge your abilities, remember that you are a beacon of strength and inspiration. Your experiences, struggles, and triumphs have equipped you with wisdom and resilience that you can pass down to our children and youth.

By being present in their lives, you are breaking down barriers and defying stereotypes. Your love and support create a nurturing environment that empowers our children and youth to dream big, pursue their passions, and believe in themselves. You are showing them the way forward and teaching them the importance of resilience, determination, and cultural pride.

Your journey as a father figure is an opportunity to redefine what it means to be a role model. Your love transcends boundaries and instills in our children and youth the values of compassion, empathy, and justice. You have the power to shape their worldview, helping them understand the beauty of diversity and the importance of equity, inclusion and belonging.

Remember to take care of yourself too. The weight of the world can sometimes feel heavy, but you are deserving of self-care, rest, and joy. By nurturing your well-being, you show the children and youth the importance of self-love and self-care, setting an example for them.

Know that you are not alone on this journey. There is a community of support and strength surrounding you. Reach out, connect with other father figures with similar experiences, and share your stories. Together, you can uplift and empower one another, reinforcing the bonds that tie us all together.

Continue to be a guiding light, a source of inspiration, and an unwavering force of love in the lives of your/our children and youth. Your presence makes a difference, and your impact is immeasurable. The world is a better place because of you, and the future is brighter because of the love and guidance you provide.

Keep standing tall, embracing your heritage, and nurturing the dreams of those who look up to you. You are making a profound difference, and your love will create a legacy cherished for generations.

With utmost respect and admiration,

Ajirioghene on behalf of KMFW!

Celebration and learning from Black Women in our community event in the city of Cambridge

On March 31, 2023, our Executive Director and two outstanding speakers, @wounds2wings and Suzanne Trotman (sweep to learn more about them), participated in the "celebration and learning" from Black Women in our community event.

The event was one of the new series for Community Care: Black Women's Mental Health hosted by @porchlightcnd and @rhythmandbluescambridge.

KMFW is grateful for the platform and opportunity to answer and speak to the following:

Sisterhood: Does sistering offer a lifeline of support and validation?

Black women in leadership: Why their authority may be met with reluctance by stakeholders with implicit biases that lead them to doubt leadership qualities or that associate blackness with disadvantage, risk, or lack of intelligence.

Enjoy these photos and well-captured moments with the organizers and speakers 🤗

#communityengagememt #blackwomen #mentalhealth #community #speakers #notforprofit #leadership #sisterhood #sistering #support #learning

Social Determinants and Inequities in health for Black Canadians


Did you know:

Social, economic, and political factors share the conditions in which individuals grow, live, work, and age and are vitally important for health and well-being.

These should be the starting points for you to reflect on how racism and discrimination may contribute to how Black-identified individuals experience them 🤔

In other words, racism is increasingly recognized as an essential driver of inequitable health outcomes for Black and racialized Canadians!

And discrimination against Black people is deeply entrenched and normalized in Canadian institutions, policies, and practices and is often invisible to those who do not feel its effects 😔

Today, Black Canadians experience health and social inequities linked to processes of discrimination at multiple levels of society, including individual, interpersonal, institutional, and societal discrimination!

Please swipe for some quick facts and visit www.Canada.ca to read about the Social Determinants and Inequities in health for Black Canadians, especially their ongoing experiences around education, housing, income and employment, health, and health behaviours.
#kmfw #awareness #ourstotell #health #inequities #communityengagement #blackhistory #canada


We are honored to have our Executive Director, Ajirioghene Evi’s profile featured in SPECTRUM Waterloo Region's Rainbow Community Space's weekly blog in February. The featured profiles are one of their initiatives to do more community engagement with Black, Indigenous, and racialized queer folks in our region.

So this month, you can read profiles of African, Caribbean, and Black folks making a difference in the queer community!

KMFW is thrilled to know that KOJO Institute
is working with the team at Spectrum through its program, The Foundation of Equity and Anti-Black Racism 🙌🏾

Thank you for the feature, SPECTRUM Waterloo Region's Rainbow Community Space 🙌🏾

Please visit the link below to read about the featured profile of Ajirioghene 😊


#kmfw #queer #equity #intersectionality #justice #2slgbtq#inclusion #commumityengagement #blackhistory #february

We are Black History!

Hello everyone,

As we welcome the month of February tomorrow, we wish to say Happy Black History Month!! ✊🏾

The 2023 theme is Black Resistance 🙌🏾

Kind Minds Family Wellness celebrates Black history and excellence every day of the year. As community members, we want you to know that you do not have to be Black identifying to reminisce on and be mindful of what is happening within Black communities- all year round!

Therefore, we would like to hearten you to embrace the following acts throughout the year:

-Support Black-Owned Businesses
-Learn about Black History in your area, and remain updated on current Black affairs, especially in the areas of continued marginalization, oppression, and exclusions for Black persons.
-Donate - Many Black-led and Black-serving initiatives remain underfunded even in our Region; reach out and ask about the needs in such spaces.
-Volunteer. For many Black-led and Black-serving organizations like ours, volunteers are an integral part of the team. There is room for you to add to the remarkable work, and your skills, time, and experience will be well-regarded.
-Celebrate Black literature, authors, artists, art, and professionals as a whole!

-Organize Diversity and Inclusion Events that promote conversations that will bring about changes in spaces such as places of employment and shared spaces in our community.

For the next 28 days and beyond, we want you to remember that Black history is Canadian History, and the African diaspora is core to what we stand for at KMFW. Therefore, we will continue to share various events available in the KW region and surrounding area throughout the month and the rest of 2023!

We will also highlight the Black excellence of the past, present, and upcoming future leaders. Likewise, we will share interviews, discussions, teachings, written materials, and other content from Black leaders in our community and Canada.

Lastly, our internal events/programs that celebrate Black excellence year-round will be highlighted, and they are open for all to participate in year-round 🤎


KMFW Team 🤎

#nonprofitorganization #activism #blackhistorymonth #blackexcellence #blackpride

January 29 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia

Today we remember the lives lost in the Quebec Mosque massacre on Jan 29. Islamophobia is real. Hate is real. It has cost us too much already. This needs to stop! We stand with the victims of the mosque shooting. We stand against Islamophobia. From https://cmw-kw.org/

What you can do to make a difference:
1) Take a moment to learn about Islamophobia in Canada.
2) Join the action against Bill 21 (Laicité Law) that promotes state-sanctioned discrimination and exclusion of Muslims and other visible minorities.
3) When/if you witness or experience Islamophobia, racism or xenophobia, report it and seek support for victims here: www.reportinghate.ca

#QuebecMosqueShooting #WeRememberJan29 #WRagainstislamophobia #CMWagainstIslamophobia #Islamophobia #StopIslamophobia #NationalDayofRemembrance #ally

Today is the International Day of Education

Today is the #internationaldayofeducation

"Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education(link is external), in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.

Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.

Today, 258 million children and youth still do not attend school; 617 million children and adolescents cannot read and do basic math; less than 40% of girls in sub-Saharan Africa complete lower secondary school and some four million children and youth refugees are out of school. Their right to education is being violated and it is unacceptable.

This year’s International Day of Education will be a platform to showcase the most important transformations that have to be nurtured to realize everyone’s fundamental right to education and build a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful futures. It will generate debate around how to strengthen education as a public endeavour and common good, how to steer the digital transformation, support teachers, safeguard the planet and unlock the potential in every person to contribute to collective well-being and our shared home."

- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

#educationisahumanright #transformingeducation #educationday

KMFW Executive Director's Comments on Recently awarded grant by The Region of Waterloo

Happy Friday!

As professionals working with Black youth (ages 10 years old and upward) and through our recent engagement with these demographics in the Region of Waterloo, we have come to recognize that male-identifying youth in particular who are Black identifying are not granted many opportunities for volunteer work and paid work. This was evident in the data obtained (narratives of various systemic barriers such as anti-Black racism and discrimination that the youth shared) from our most recent leadership workshops with Black youth (one with youth who are English language learners (ELLs) and another for non ESL youth), and newcomer students in the Region.

I am so happy to commence work on this program (Leadership Skills Development and Pathway to Youth Entrepreneurship) that will run for 24 months and will create a culturally inclusive environment that demonstrates and promotes mutual respect, effective relationships, clear communication, explicit understandings of expectations, and critical self-reflection. In this inclusive environment, people of all cultural orientations will freely express who they are, their own opinions and points of view; fully participate in teaching, learning, work, and social activities; and feel safe from abuse, harassment, or unfair criticism as they learn and provide supports to low-income residents in the region.

Participants will learn hands-on, planning and budgeting; engaging with small businesses in the region; foundational skills in running a small business; customer service skills; conducting minor repairs such as drywall repair and installation, indoor painting needs, and minor home improvements for low-income families living in the Waterloo Region.

The instructors and mentors are professionals in the line of work who are invested in contributing to the growth and development of Black identifying youth in our region, as well as to our mission aimed at transforming personal narratives of Black persons, supporting and empowering them as they navigate systems in order to attain positive Self-actualization and Holistic wellness.

"No greater place to be than in a leadership position to lead young minds to prosperity"

Darrius Garrett

Thank you to the Region of Waterloo for the grant to move this work forward in our community!

#blackyouth #notforprofit

Written by Ajirioghene Evi-Cobbinnah via LinkedIn:


KMFW Leadership in Restorative Work

Our Community in Transformation: Next Steps Towards Becoming a Restorative Region

KMFW is thrilled to be a panelist in the upcoming conversation on November 25th, where together with our partner and community leaders will explore Our Community In Transformation: Next Steps Towards Becoming a Restorative Region.

The conversation will be moderated by Mike Farwell, and the panel will deconstruct principles of restorative justice, restorative practice, and transformative justice and explore how these tools can build towards a restorative region. See photos below to learn more about Mike as well as panelists Chris Cowie, ED of Community Justice Initiatives (CJI), Tafadzwa Takaendesa operations personnel of Kind Minds Family Wellness, and MPP Laura Mae Lindo.

Please register for free at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/our-community-in-transformation-becoming-a-restorative-region-tickets-178881548527


We’d like to highlight this poem by Julnar Aizouki, a participant in our youth leadership workshop!!

In one of our previous sessions, the youth were asked to write a poem about themselves, starting each line with "I am” to encourage them to describe in their own words who they are and what's unique to their identities.

If you’re interested in signing up for our youth leadership program, it’s not too late….we’re happy to announce that we will have another cohort running during the winter/spring months.

For more information please email us at info@kindmindsfamilywellness.org 📧