Celebration and learning from Black Women in our community event in the city of Cambridge

On March 31, 2023, our Executive Director and two outstanding speakers, @wounds2wings and Suzanne Trotman (sweep to learn more about them), participated in the "celebration and learning" from Black Women in our community event.

The event was one of the new series for Community Care: Black Women's Mental Health hosted by @porchlightcnd and @rhythmandbluescambridge.

KMFW is grateful for the platform and opportunity to answer and speak to the following:

Sisterhood: Does sistering offer a lifeline of support and validation?

Black women in leadership: Why their authority may be met with reluctance by stakeholders with implicit biases that lead them to doubt leadership qualities or that associate blackness with disadvantage, risk, or lack of intelligence.

Enjoy these photos and well-captured moments with the organizers and speakers 🤗

#communityengagememt #blackwomen #mentalhealth #community #speakers #notforprofit #leadership #sisterhood #sistering #support #learning